The Siberian Husky, the most widespread branch of this breed , originated in the remote areas of North Asia, being used as sled dog by the nomadic tribes. It was brought into Alaska in 1909. In that very year the first Husky harness took part at the " Alaska Sweepstakes Race". In a few year time they were regularly winning sled races across Alaska and became highly appreciated for their endurance and incredible stamina.
The Huskies posess an extraordinary ability to adapt to all sorts of lifestyles. They like most the cold or temperate climates and they simply adore running outdoors, but they also cope well with living inside an apartment. Husky is a friendly animal and he his far from being a loud or aggressive dog.
This breed gets along very well with children or other dogs and therefore is the perfect pet choice for those who aren't used to handle dogs. However you must always keep in sight your Husky, as, having a curious nature, this animal tends to put himself in all kinds of dangerous situations. If you have a courtyard, it is better to have it enclosed, in order to prevent your Husky's escapades.
This dog is physicaly shaped for cold environments, therefore, in order to prevent severe affections, it is adviceable not to let them outdoors more than a few minutes during extremely hot summer days. You must also consider that this animal loses hair continuously and therefore requires to be daily brushed.
A Husky is predisposed to a series of diseases :
Zinc Responsive Dermatosis is a severe affection and results in hair loses and skin crusts around eyes, ears and genitals. It ussualy appearsr in the first 3 years of life.